Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Misconception

After having declared to everyone around me that I was going to be an English major, the first question I seem to get most often is "So you want to be a teacher?" Answer: NO. The majority doesn't realize that there are so many things that happen all around us that require written text. And that text has to be written, rewritten, and edited. These words aren't just going to intelligently orient themselves. 

I've expressed for over three years now that my goal in life is to become a book editor, something most people glare at me for. I don't understand why English majors, more than almost any other majors besides art or music, are so stereotyped. Not every English major wants to be a teacher or to write the next Great American Novel. Some just want all the great things that come with the English major; they want the ability to think and analysis written text, write with correct grammar and punctuation, and most importantly develop a brain that can create and interpret information instead of just memorize and regurgitate it. 

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