Thursday, July 17, 2014

Textbooks are EXPENSIVE

So I know most people are told before they start college that textbooks cost a lot, but I don't think I knew just what I was getting into. At least I was given the tip that I shouldn't buy textbooks from the bookstore directly, because those prices are just ridiculous. Through Ebay and Amazon, I've managed to get some books used, and a new book that was around $45 less than if I would have gotten it from the bookstore. I would have bought that one used too, but there was some stupid web-access code thing that was attached to it that isn't included in the used version. Lame right?

Currently Listening to: Focus Music: Let go of Mental Anxiety

I just don't understand why college has to be so expensive in America. I know that a lot goes into the whole college experience, but other countries seem to be able to provide higher education to their students just fine. I highly doubt they are paying the writers of the textbooks so much that they need to charge over $200 for them to be able to get by. Or maybe I'm wrong. Honestly I have no idea, but all this money spending is causing me way too much stress to be healthy.

So here's my question: Who wants to just give me some money so I can stop stressing?

I'm kidding. (But only kind of.)

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